Mauro Dragoni is a Research Scientist at Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Adjunct Professor at the University of Trento and the University of Bolzano. His main research topics concern knowledge management, information retrieval, and machine learning by focusing on the development of real-world prototypes as the outcome of his research activities. Since 2015, he has been involved in activities dedicated to bringing Trustworthy AI solutions within the Digital Twin domain, and from 2019 is involved in activities concerning standardization. He has been involved in several national and international research projects and he co- authored more than 160 scientific publications in international journals, conferences, and workshops. He participated in four ETSI STFs: as an expert in STF 566, STF 601, STF 628, STF 641, STF 653, and STF 675 and, as coordinator in STF 602.